Understanding the Start-Up Ecosystem in India

Hi Welcome to ValuationPodcast.com - A podcast and video series about all things related to business and valuation.  My name is Melissa Gragg, and I’m a financial mediator and business valuation expert in St. Louis, Missouri.

Today we are discussing the start-up ecosystem in India with Zeal Karwa who is located in Mumbai, India. Zeal is a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) and Chartered Accountant (CA) who founded her own Fintech company, “Venture Buddy”. This platform serves as a catalyst for automated startup valuations.

1. What is the current state of start-ups in India?
2. What are some key factors that have contributed to the growth of the start-up industry in India, and how do they compare to other global tech hubs?
3. Why are global investors investing in Indian startups?
4. What is the business valuation process like in India? How is it different compared to the USA?
5. What is the benefit of getting a valuation done in India vs. the USA?
6. How do you anticipate the business valuation industry changing in response to expanding international influences?

Melissa Gragg CVA, MAFF
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
Email Melissa
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Bridge Valuation
Mediator Podcast
Valuation Mediation

Zeal Karwa
Email: zeal@venturebuddy.io
Mobile/WhatsApp: +91 95450 49966
LinkedIn: Click Here to Connect with Zeal on LinkedIn
Website: www.venturebuddy.io

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